Monday, March 31, 2008

first big ride

I finally got out for my first big ride of the year. Forty miles, two and a half hours, and a seventeen mile per hour average. Me, Nate, Gage, Theo, Jeremey, Jerry, Lori, Lenny, Bdog, Jay, and some other Hayes guys went out to Lyons. most of us got there but didn't do the lap. Jeremey, Jerry, Lori, Jay, and Springer went out and did the lap but everyone else turned around then. it was a tail wind the whole way out with all small hills. and then on the way back everyone died with a 15 mph head wind with all the bigger hills. i was fine until about half way back when i popped and started to slow way down. But i stayed with it and suffered to the end. can't wait for the season. First race this sunday down in South Beloit for a race on the blackhawk farms raceway. see ya

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